Two words about 2018 Online Marketing
Trends & Predictions 
I read quite a few articles these last few days about the 2018 online marketing prediction and trends and most have a few predictions in common. I will list some those predictions here and throw in my 2 cents worth.
1. Mobile search will get bigger…much bigger
You just have to look around to figure this one out…not rocket science, really. Most people, including perhaps yourself, are glued to their smart phones. More and more of us are using our phones for internet searches not to mention social media. Mobile search is big.
Local searches are huge so if you own a local business and your site is not mobile friendly you loose out big time. I have been saying this for a couple of years now…seriously…
Google’s main focus is to provide users the best possible experience when they use Google search being on desktop or mobile and actually penalizes sites that are not mobile friendly.
It will pay to make sure your sites are mobile friendly (the problem I see a lot of businesses do not really know what mobile friendly means…)
2. Personalized content – micro targeting
The more you can narrow down your target market the more effective you will become in communicating with them and building a relationship of trust. You will be able to better serve their needs and peak their interests. All of this will result in you being more successful and increasing your sales.
This one is a difficult one…because most small business owners to this day..minute.. cannot figure out who really is their ideal client and fight the idea of micro targeting or narrowing down their target market to the reach a population of precise demographics and psycho-graphics.
The typical answer I get when sending out my marketing questionnaire and asking about my client’s or prospect’s target market is: everybody…or adults…or OK I’ll narrow it down… all female adults…..tse, tse…but this discussion is for another day.
3. More videos…yes, a lot more
The thing is you do not need a huge budget to start creating your own videos.
Videos are such a great way to explain a particular service or product that otherwise would be difficult or cumbersome to do.
Besides with our attention spam being shorter and shorter it is a lot easier to get your message across then a lengthy article (…I guess I should turn this post into a video (lol).
Another thing I want to mention about videos is the awesome way you can create content fast. So create a short 2 minute video -> upload it to Youtube -> have it transcribed and post it as a blog post on your site to gain search engine visibility… -> spread the news about it on social media and get more traction ….Wow! all this with just a 2 minute quick video. All this can be set up to flow easily and quickly (ask me how).
4. Social media is here to stay and to grow
That only means one thing…if you have a service or product to sell it is high time to start using social media and start advertizing on social media.
Most people choose one platform, let’s say Facebook and go hardcore on it..I think it’s a good approach but why not set up an automated system that would spread your messages on other social media platforms too? This would bring you a lot more bang for your buck with very little extra time and effort spent.
Also, let’s not forget that Google is paying attention to social media signals, the more attention you (your site) gets on social media the higher your ranking will go (this is only one factor but one of growing importance).
5. TAN – Take Action Now (my favorite saying)
You might think this is not really a marketing trend or prediction…but I can 100% predict that if you do not take action on improving your marketing, your business will not grow.
So no matter what the marketing predictions and trends are for 2018 the most important thing you can do is just make at least one improvement regarding your online presence! TAN (Take Action Now) and you will be ahead of the game.
Happy New Year!
May 2018 be your most successful year yet!
Warm regards,
at Effortless Marketing