Pay per click advertising (PPC) – Google Ads services Calgary


With Google being the most popular search engine with over 72% of users worldwide Google Ads are becoming more and more popular way of online advertising.


So, what can our advertising company in Calgary do for your business?

  • Increase your brand awareness.
  • Support your SEO strategy with fast results.
  • Show your service/product to the clients when they need it.
  • Target people with specific interests and demographics.
  • Give you control on how you spend your advertising money.
  • Increase traffic to your website and attract new customers.
  • Measure your success.

How to start Google advertising in Calgary with Effortless Marketing?

  • We work jointly with you to determine the best strategy for your business.
  • You decide on the monthly spent budget.
  • After a thorough keyword research and competitor analysis we will choose the most relevant and effective keywords for your campaign.
  • We will create catchy headlines and descriptions for your ads incorporating your keywords.
  • We will monitor performance of your ads on regular basis, analyze your Google Ads campaign and make necessary adjustments or improvements.
  • If required, we will create new landing page or modify an existing one.
  • Ready to start? Fill out this Google Ads Intake Form!

PPC advertising on your own or an advertising agency Сalgary, Alberta?

At first glance, setting up Google Ads might seem simple. Everything in the ad platform looks straightforward – create a campaign, add keywords, make an ad, and fund your account. Hit the start button, and your ads appear on Google. But after some time, the budget runs out, and the profits? Almost none. You might end up spending $5000 a month on ads but only make $500. After a few months of such losses, you might think that advertising doesn’t work. However, PPC in Calgary can actually be profitable, with a return on investment of 2-3 times.


Let’s go over the basics of setting up digital PPC advertising in Calgary, and you can decide for yourself whether to do it on your own or hire professionals.


Selection of Keywords and Negative Keywords. The first and most crucial step is selecting keywords and identifying negative keywords. Without this, PPC management in Calgary won’t be effective. For keyword selection, we use Google Keyword Planner. The key is to focus on long-tail keywords. Beginners often choose the most competitive keywords, which have high competition and cost-per-click, but low conversion rates.


For instance, consider the query “Buy TV.” While it indicates a commercial intent, the user doesn’t specify the brand, size, features, or even if they truly want a TV. However, a search like “Buy Samsung 55-inch TV cheap” shows a higher likelihood of purchase with a lower cost-per-click. Finding these long-tail keywords is challenging, but this is where the expertise of advertising firms Calgary shines.


The second task at this stage is to select the maximum number of negative keywords. To illustrate the importance of negative keywords, consider showing ads for sushi in response to the query “delivery of fresh meat.” Clearly, this would be irrelevant and wasteful. Identifying negative keywords is an ongoing process, especially in the beginning, ideally requiring daily analysis.


The selection of negative keywords starts with analyzing the collected keywords. Initially, this is done intuitively, but over time, you’ll identify irrelevant queries that waste your budget and can expand your list of negative keywords accordingly.


Using Advanced Ad Settings. When creating an ad, beginners often overlook the importance of using ad extensions, such as additional links, structured descriptions, and callouts. While it takes time to set these up, the payoff is substantial. Not only do ad extensions increase the visibility of your ad, but they also significantly reduce costs. For instance, Effortless Marketing’s pay-per-click advertising in Calgary has achieved a 70% cost efficiency by utilizing extensions alone.


Analyzing Ad Quality Metrics. Many people think that once you set up online advertising in Calgary, you can just let it run. This is a major misconception. The system constantly learns and suggests optimizations to reduce costs and increase CTR. There is always room for improvement, so you need to continually enhance page relevance, select more conversion-focused keywords, expand the list of negative keywords, and even analyze ad display times.


PPC management services in Calgary involve continuous work, deep analysis, and ongoing optimization. Each stage of setting up an ad campaign may not be difficult for the average user, but maximizing its effectiveness requires a lot of experience and time. Only professionals can achieve a significant return on investment, which is what advertising is all about.