How to write a better blog post

how to improve my blog postIntermittently my clients, friends and acquaintances ask my opinion on internet marketing related issues. One of the most often asked questions is how to make a blog post better. And by that we mean better experience for the visitors and more found-able (is this a word yet?) for the search engines.

I got such a request, so I thought I will share my answer with you on my blog so more people could benefit. Here it is:

Hi Lorraine,

It is great that you started blogging. The key is consistency. If you will blog once a week for a year, guess what,  you will have enough material for your book. Excellent plan.

Suggestions to improve your blog post:

  • add a picture if you can (people love pictures and it’s easier to read when there is a picture to break the monotony of the text)
  • write shorter blog posts 500 to 700 words if possible (you can have series to continue one topic)
  • make sure you have bullet points and sub-headers ( absolutely necessary for internet readers)
  • once you start having more posts start linking some text (preferably keywords or main words) to a relevant post you had before
  • you can link to some other blog or website just to reference something but make sure you make the link open in a new window so you don’t loose your visitor
  • add social media buttons so people can share your content easily (let me know when you did that and I will share your post)
  • if you have Facebook or twitter then share your own blog post as soon as you have published it. Later (like in a few weeks or months) go back and refer (share) your old posts again people will not remember and if they do they don’t mind (trust me they will not remember or most of them missed it when you first shared it) and you can intermittently share your old posts again and again on social media
  • try and find similar blogs to yours with similar topics and leave comments on their site they might return the favor and even if not you will most likely get a link back from that blog and that helps with building your site’s ranking and thus your traffic.

There are more strategies but I think for starters this is more then enough.

Warm regards,



The suggestions above are basic strategies that you should follow when posting on your blog. There are more strategies on how to improve your blog post one can apply and more advanced ways on getting traffic and getting people to leave you comments and click on your links but if you at least follow the simple suggestions above you will be off to a good start.

To your success.


PS. If you want to know more about how to blog successfully please contact me. I would be  more then happy to help you.

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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.

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