What does your business, the Royal Wedding, and the iPhone 4 have in common?

No matter what it is that you are marketing, a product or a service, in order to have a full effect and reach maximum potential you need to build up momentum, create a buzz, create suspense……you get my point.

How are the following marketed?

  • Royal Wedding
  • iPhone 4
  • Your new product or service

The Royal Wedding is getting  publicized in different media with different stories about the couple, the wedding party, the venue, the various speculations. This gets trickled to us little by little.

      On the day of the Wedding there will be millions of people watching the event

Before iPhone 4 came out small amounts of info were “leaked” to the media on the new features, then the launching date, then on availability in the stores…etc. Again information was trickled to us.

On the day of the actual release there were people camping out from the night before to BUY

Your new product or service. You work hard on it. You might have your family and friends and business associates give you feedback. Nobody else knows it’s coming and what to expect. Your prospects are completely oblivious to what your are planning.

On the day of your launch you put a sign up in your store & update your website
Nobody is breaking down your “door” to buy your services or products.
 – Because nobody knows about it.

Now, I am not going to say that our little businesses are comparable to the big hype Apple can stir up but I bet you

If we put more effort into creating a buzz both on-line and off-line about our up-coming products or services (even the ones that are only upgrades)  we would get much better results.

Try it, you’ll be surprised at the results.small business products and services


To your success


As always your comments and feedback are always welcome.

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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.


  1. You make a very good point here. If we don’t talk about it, no one else will know about it. If we don’t get the word out, who will? There’s that old cliché — If it is to be it’s up to me. It is up to us to begin the momentum, to get the word out, and to keep it up once it gains momentum. Our success in the venture depends on it.

  2. You are so right.Promote, promote, promote is the ley word, in every which way because otherwise people own’t know about you. It’s tiresome and time consuming but it has to be done.
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  3. Penelope J.

    Great examples of how to create a buzz. Isn’t that what good marketing is all about? For example, in my case, I want to publish a book but before I get it published, I need to create a buzz – though I don’t think I’m doing half as much as I should. Otherwise, who will buy it if nobody knows about it? And trying to create a buzz about a product after the fact doesn’t always work out well, or turns out to be very costly. Just look at all the media hype before a movie comes out. You know about it ad nauseum months ahead of it opening.

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