What is Email Marketing – Why use it

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing,
and used right works like a charm

How does Email Marketing work?

what is email marketing

  • Emails are sent to prospects and current clients to boost business, gain trust and build relationship.
  • Ideally you would use an autoresponder, sending out pre-written messages with useful information.  These email would vary in frequency depending on your market. Also you would not always sell, sell, and sell. People get tired of that and would unsubscribe from your email s in a hurry. You would use a healthy mix of emails containing information, tips, soft sell and hard sell.
  • Special email marketing software allows for safe delivery, compliance with anti-spam legislation and great data analysis.

What are the advantages of Email Marketing?

  • It doesn’t require a lot of time and is also cost-efficient. Within a short period of time you can build a list of subscribers and market to them.  . You are able to get feedback from your subscribers and further improve your marketing and be more in tune with what you should be offering
  • It is effective in tracking the returns on investments. With great built in reports you will know exactly what your ROI is and what are the most profitable offers you have

How do you start growing your subscriber list?

  • Usually you would have an opt-in email capture form on your site where interested people would subscribe to your list.
  • It is highly recommended that you give an incentive for prospective subscribers to actually sign up to your list. These incentives could include a free tutorial on a specific topic, special discount coupons, a special report , etc.

To use email marketing effectively you need to have a call to action in the email, usually at the end. You need to tell your readers what you would like them to do. This is where most email marketers falter, they leave it up to the reader so they leave a lot of money on the table.

Your call to action doesn’t always have to be a call to action to buy something but you need to tell your readers what is the next step.

Happy email marketing!

Now, please leave a comment below. I will respond to them promptly.

To our success!


PS. 2020 Update. I just came across this amazing article that gives you great pointers on how to use email marketing most effectively. Check it out.

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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.

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