Want Traffic to Your Site Fast? – 5 Tips

If you have a business online, one of the most important keys to success is getting traffic to your website. The more visitors you have, the more leads and sales you have.

Hopefully you know your keywords, and do keyword research on regular basis to keep on top of what’s most popular.

Here are five (5) easy tips to get website traffic fast!

Tip #1 Tag your keywords

get website traffic fastDo you spend a lot of time writing your content making sure all is correct and looks good ….and then ignore tagging your keywords? Search engines recognize tags and if there are no tags the little bots that crawl your site might pass right by your web pages.

Here’s the quicky on tags.

There are different types of tags:

* Title tags. Title tags are quite possibly the most important place to situate your keywords. Here’s what they look like -Primary keyword phrase here.

Your title tag is where you place your primary keyword or keyword phrase. The sentence will describe your business in less than 90 characters.

* Header Tags. Header tags are next in order of importance to search engines. They’re ranked in order of importance and look like this –

The “1” designates this header as the most important header on the page.

* Meta Tags. Meta tags provide the small descriptive text found underneath the title tag on the search engine results page. Like title tags these should be kept brief, informative and up to date.

* Alt Tags. Alt tags are used to provide a text description of a graphic. Each graphic on your site should have a description and an alt tag.

Tip #2 Add content to your site daily

Writing good content on regular basis is essential for traffic and the search engines will notice and reward you by ranking your site high in the search results. Content is what search engine spiders look for and if there is not fresh content then there is nothing to index or rank.

I always say: A website/blog is like a 2 sided mirror, you have to look good on both sides. On one side your human visitors need to understand what you are saying and your page/post has to be visually pleasing and the other side the search engine bots need to understand what the page/post is about so you need to optimize for the.

Give visitors and search engines what they understand and like and you will be rewarded with traffic and higher ranking

“Please the visitors & the search engines with your content & watch your traffic soar! “

Make a commitment to provide daily, optimized content and your traffic will soar.

Tip #3 Procure valuable and relevant incoming links

Links are still important. You have to know what kind of links are good for your site.

The more relevant links you have  to your website the more valuable search engines perceives your site to be. Search engines give more leverage to links from sites that have authority and are relevant to your website topic.

There are different types of links.

  • A direct link looks like a basic website address, for example, www.yourwebsite.com
  • A text link occurs when the webpage address is embedded in the text. Readers simply click on the link and are redirected to a new website page.
  • A deep link when the link is to an internal web page

You can grow the number of links to your website by:

  • Adding content to your site.
  • Submitting to article directories.
  • Publishing press releases.
  • Blogging, leaving blog comments on other people’s blog post, being active on social media sites (using links to your site as much a possible) and more…
Tip #4 Be Social!

Now more than ever before, internet marketing is about building a community. You should have a blog on your website and participate on social media sites, talking about your product, service , what’s new in your business and more. This is what generates valuable. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, etc, can be powerful tools for generating links and traffic to your site – create a profile and then post comments, links to your site.

Be social NOT salesy and bring value to your reader, generate conversation and you will generate traffic.

Get involved – Speak to and connect with a highly targeted audience.

Tip #5 Advertise for more exposure and traffic

Advertising, when used strategically, can promote your content and products or services.

PPC (pay per click) advertising is often a good choice because you control the advertising budget on a daily basis and have the tools to test and track your advertising efforts. Once you’ve honed your PPC ads the return on investment can be phenomenal in terms of traffic and purchases.

Maximize your results, create a traffic and SEO strategy.

Outline your plan and your goals and then take the necessary action. Take advantage of these five traffic and search engine tips to boost your business.

TAN = Take Action Now

Let us know if you have any questions or you need clarification.

We are here to help. 🙂

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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.

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