Social Media Q & A for small business owners

Feeling overwhelmed by social media, or by the whole online marketing piece?

(watch video below)

Rather eat slimy maggots then do your own online marketing?

You are not alone….well, maybe you are on your own with them maggot thing, lol….

So I went to a networking meeting a few days ago and I thought I will have a nice glass of wine, eat some flat bread and listen to the Social Media panel, see what they have to say about how to handle social media.

I knew there will be a lot of good questions coming from all the lovely ladies at the networking meeting. And I was right.

BUT I was wrong about me having a nice relaxed glass of wine …blending into the crowd.

As soon as I got in the door, Monica from Canadian Business Chicks, the event host, ran ..or did she fly..towards me and said: You are on the panel! to which I said: I am? ….OK, then.

You see one of the panelists had a home situation and couldn’t make it so Monica knowing that I had a few Twitter workshops in Calgary just recently assumed that I would be a good fit to substitute.

My specially is not social media, it is SEO (search engine optimization) to be exact, local SEO, helping small business owners with their online marketing, building them websites, or re-building websites and then optimzing the websites so they could be found by Google and of course, their prospects.

Anyway, I said YES, no problem and the night turned out to be a whole lot of fun but in a different way for me. My first experience as a panelist, joining two lovely ladies, social media experts, Katie Novak and Donna McTaggart was exciting and answering the questions was a pleasure and challenging at times :).

Did I mention we the whole event was recorded? Yes, it was.

Here is the video. There are a lot of questions answered, some of the same questions you might have.

Your comments and questions are welcome so don’t be shy go ahead and Leave a Comment.

To your success,



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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.

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