Google First Page – is it possible to get there?

Can your website get to Google First Page?

 So what do you think is the answer?Google First Page Ranking

If your answer is YES, than you are RIGHT.                                 

Now next question.

Can you be guaranteed to always show up on the first page of Google (organically) for any keyword.

If you anwer is YES, then you are WRONG.

If you are curious to find out WHY then please take 2 minutes and watch this video straight from the “horse’s mouth” (yes, Google) and then read my warning below.

Warning!Google First Page Promise Caution

Please use caution and logic when you are approached by the gazillion online marketers (mainly from the States) promising you the Moon, the Stars and everything else for a happy low price. 

Some business owners, through no fault of their own (why would you be an SEO expert?), mistakenly think that it’s their lucky day and now they are going to show up on Google First Page and get lots of traffic to their website.

While that could be partially true (note: partially) it might bring you little or no benefit depending how much are you paying and how much exposure you will be getting.

The only way that a website shows up on Google First Page without spending time to do proper SEO is through Paid Searches (PPC or AdWords) NEVER organically (or naturally).
I am not going to bore you with more details.
Feel free to contact me for more info specially if you are getting an “irresistable offer” and you are not sure what to do.
Your questions and comments are always welcome 🙂

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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.

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