Blog Ideas – What to write about

Sometimes it’s difficult to think of a topic to write about on your blog. You just feel stumped or have a “writer’s block”.

Here are a few tips to come back and refer to anytime you need a blogging idea.

what to blog about?

Blogging gets easier the more you do it. Once you get into a routine you are pretty much on your way down Winning Avenue.  While I am writing this to you I am telling this to myself too. Ideally I would like to spend more time blogging, I personally think its fun but of course where do I find the time? Anyways, because my goal IS to write more I will be looking for ways to make this process easier and faster and while I am doing that I will blog about it since I know I am not the only one needing this info.

Blogging idea tips:

1.  Current Affairs or the latest Headline News.
2. Case studies
3.  Pros and Cons
4.  How to…
5.  Short tutorial
6.  Review a book or product
7.  Be interviewed or interview somebody
……..of course there are tons more. Here is a helpful link to 101 Blog Ideas. It might be a bit overwhelming. If you would like to discuss any of it on this blog please do so. I will definitely engage in the conversation 🙂

1. Current Affairs or the latest Headline News. During the course of the day we all hear some news, be that local or global. That would normally trigger some reaction from us and our friends that you can elaborate on and draw a parallel with your business or come to some conclusion that what you learned today on the news somehow reminded you of something related to you business. blog idea


Headline News: 33 miners freed in Chile

Any business could be blogging about this talking about human spirit, solidarity, not giving up, having a common goal, working together, etc. these issues are all too familiar to anybody who carved out a business of their own. So you would start out talking about the news, hooking on to one attribute and bringing it to your business success, failures, lessons, etc.

If your business has any direct correlation to mining, health care, emergency services, psychology, nutrition, etc, than it’s even easier to say something about your products or services since you could mention some great attribute that your service or product has that could’ve helped the miners at some point somehow.

I hope I am helping here a little bit at least. The bottom line is to use your imagination and don’t be afraid of what others might think of you. Just write and be informative and try and help out with as much info as you can without rambling and offending anybody.

Since I said no rambling I will have to stop here today and continue on with my next blog idea next week.

Your comments are always appreciated.


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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.

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