Not Secure Warning from Google Chrome

Google’s ultimate goal is to have
100% of the world’s websites load securely via HTTPS.

So starting this month, January 2017, Google’s Chrome browser will start flagging some websites that don’t use web encryption (not show the “s” –  https://) as “Not Secure”. This is the first step in Google’s plan to call out or “shame” all websites that do not use encryption.Secure website

What does this mean to you?

The changes that Google is introducing will affect EVERYONE who runs a website. So please read on if you own a website.

You might say, it is not so bad since Google will only show the Not Secure warning for Chrome users but as of August 2016 just under 60% of worldwide internet users used Google Chrome as their web browser.
That means that on average, for every 5 people that visit YOUR website, 3 of them will be using Google Chrome.

So when Google talks about upcoming changes to Google Chrome we should be paying attention… choice really.

Google already started giving higher ranking to sites with https as opposed to the http sites.

Why does Google want this security? 

They want information transmitted over secure encrypted connection to provide protection to the users, to us. HTTPS not only does it ensure that hackers  can’t easily intercept sensitive data travelling on the internet, it also ensures that the site you’re looking at really is the site you want, and not a fake site.

Not Secure warning

Unless you want Google to show the Not Secure warning you will have to find ways to switch over to HTTPS. According to Google more than half of the sites visited by Chrome users are encrypted already.TS collections debt collection agency Calgary Alberta

If you rather not have your website show a Not Secure warning we will help you out with this.

Our first client, T&S Collections Ltd.,  has been successfully switched.

It is quite a bit of work.

First you need to get an SSL certificate. (You will get this for free)

Then your website needs to be modified to serve all pages over https.

Here is a quick run-down on what we will do:

Not verified warning HTTPS

We suggest to do the switch to HTTPS as soon as possible. No reason to delay, it has to be done sooner or later and you don’t really want your visitors to lose trust when they land on your site.

Make sure your website avoids triggering the Not Secure Warning.

If you are a Effortless Marketing client and are interested in this service please contact me, we have a special deal for you. 

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Viola HutchinsonDigital marketer and co-owner at Effortless.Marketing
Viola is the founder and co-owner of Effortless Marketing, a digital marketing agency in Calgary, Canada. She holds many workshops helping enterpreneurs get a better understanding of the ever changing world of digital marketing, specially SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and often speaks as guest at various business related podcasts.

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