Viola Hutchinson (Olah)
In the fall of 2008 I quit my job as a systems analyst at Shell Canada … and didn’t quite know what I wanted to do. I took some time off and helped around my hubby’s business, when in the spring of 2009 a friend of mine who owned a commercial cleaning company asked me in desperation to help him out with his website. He hired and paid somebody a decent amount of money to build a website for his business, but after a few months there was still no website in sight…unfortunately, his story was not uncommon.
So I created my first website from start to finish and I was super excited not only because my friend was very happy with the finished product but also because I realized I had found something I really enjoy doing.
At Shell, a small part of my job was to keep our department’s intranet web page up to date, so I got trained in HTML and Dreamweaver and that gave me some advantage and confidence to enter the arena of web design and Internet marketing.

After designing a few websites, I started examining the search results in Google and other search engines. It puzzled me that certain sites would always show up on the first couple of pages and others were nowhere to be found. I had to find out how to rank websites high in Google……Well, I can tell you that is a tall order and one that needs continuous attention and constant learning and tweaking and that’s why I love it.
I actually enjoy the ever changing, challenging aspect of Search Engine Optimization.
Oh, the interesting “piece” about me is that I am a Hungarian, born and raised in Transylvania (yes, it’s a real place), Romania. I grew up speaking two languages and was “lucky” enough to live under the insane communist rule of Ceausescu until the age of 20 at which time I fled the country and lived in Norway for a few months and then immigrated to awesome Canada.
So grateful for this awesome testimonial Nick Petryk from YES (Youth Empowered for Success) sent me.
If you have any questions or would like to get more detail on
what can be done for your particular business please contact us!